How to move in Sardinia by bus or train: public transports
Sardinia public transports are a big big problem for the island. How to move in Sardinia by bus or train?
To move from the North to the South, and from East to the West, can be hard if you have no idea of distances beetween one city and another.
How to move in Sardinia by bus or train: public transports

Sardinia public transports are a big big problem for the island.
To move by bus or train from Sardinia North to the South, and from East to the West, can be hard if you have no idea of distances beetween one city and another.
In Sardinia you can move by car, motorcycle, by bus, by train and also by feet if you want, but in this last case you must love trekking a lot!
Why you should rent a car in Sardinia

The easiest way to reach the most famous beach and cities ARE NOT Sardinia public transports, but a car of course.
To rent a car is a very good idea if you want to make a beautiful tour of the island and you have just one or 2 weeks.
This is, at the same time, the best way to appreciate the wonderful coasts of Sardinia, to dicover not turistic and fascinating places such as Canyon Gorropu; Giara of Gesturi and Barbagie.
You can rent a car at Olbia-Costa Smeralda Airport; at Alghero Fertilia Airport or at Cagliari Elmas airport at your arrival, if you visit Sardinia in low season.
When is better to rent a car, prices and other tips

In hight season (june; july;agoust) is better to book the car online only through web sites (you can choose or or you risk to not find a car available or to wait till 4/5 hours or one entire day to obtain it.
Pay attention: to rent a car in Sardinia you always need a credit card or you have to leave something like 500 euros of deposit.
In low season you can spend also 15 euro, in hight season prices are very expensive, like 80 euros or more
Now we can talk about the type of car you must rent.
A 4×4 is reccomended if you like adventure and you want to discover wild beach like Berchida (near the city of Siniscola, East Coast) or Piscinas (nera the city Arbus, West Coast).
On the contrary, if you want to see Costa Smeralda of just visit the cities a normal car is sufficient.
A motorcycle is not a good choice if you meant to cross long distances, like can be going from Olbia to Cagliari for example, but you can rent if of course if you’re spending your holiday in a specific area (Olbia, Alghero, or Cagliari or Costa Smeralda surroundings).
I love to travel by Bla Bla car aniway: is a cheap and funny way to move, since you can know nice people.
Visit Sardinia by TRAIN

How to move in Sardinia by train? This is an easy question.
There are train stations in the main cities and trains connect Olbia to Sassari, Oristano, Cagliari and a lot of other places.
The only city you cannot reach by train is Nuoro, so in this case you must take other Sardinia public transports, such ad buses.
Sardinia by BUS, is a good idea?

We said, you can also visit Sardinia by bus, but this could be a terrible idea.
Buses in Sardinia makes a lot of stops: too many stops. So, you risk to lose time ad of course you holiday!
In conclusion, the best way to visit Sardinia round and round is to rent a car! Here aniway, you find usefull contacts of public transports in Sardinia.
Arst Bus web site;
Deplano Bus web site;